Latest News

December 2023

Hi There!
Three missions to Africa, as well as two trips to Eastern Europe, have ensured that the giving, not only continues, but multiplies. 

Winter 2023

Hi There!
Having had restricted travel during ’20 and ’21, what a blessing to be back on missions! We have been able to return to Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and most recently Albania.

Newsletter 2021

Hi There!
In spite of the restrictions of COVID, we have still been able to give over 100 guitars in the last 12 months, taking our total to over 3,700 instruments given. 

Winter 2019-2020

Hi There!
This has been a great year for Guitar Aid. Two missions to Africa, as well as, trips to Eastern Europe. The most significant thing, was the opening of Guitar Aid’s new home. 

Winter 2018/2019

Hi There!
For the last 28 years I have run Guitar Aid while working full time in an engineering firm. 

Winter 2017/2018

Hi There!
This year we reached a significant milestone, the 3,000th instrument. Who would have thought that we would reach this point.

Autumn 2016

Hi There!
This has been a really exciting year, with six missions taking place. We started the year in Bulgaria, where we had an excellent time.

Summer 2015

Hi There!
We are really excited about celebrating 25 years of Guitar Aid! Who would have believed that from the first guitar given in 1990, that so many years later, we would have given over 2700 instruments.

You will be enriched so you can give even more generously.
And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they
will break out in thanksgiving to God

2 Corinthians 9 v 11