Summer 2015


This is a really special time for Guitar Aid. As I was preparing for this year, I had a few ideas. The first priority was to update our website. Thanks to Simon from Eadtech, we now have something that truly reflects the vast and diverse nature of what Guitar Aid is doing. All our newsletters, testimonials, numbers of guitars given, and much more can be seen on this site. It works really well on a mobile or tablet, as well as a conventional computer. Why not check it out? We now have over 1200, that receive regular updates from our Facebook page. Clicking a “like” on this page will enable you to see where we go, who receives guitars and most of all, the sheer joy on the faces of those that receive instruments. It takes many to be involved for this to happen. Sponsoring a worship leader, or giving to this ministry, can have a lasting impact on someone’s life. Young people are rising up to worship, with fresh enthusiasm as they see the tangible evidence of God’s love, shown through the gift of an instrument.


Our guitars not only went to various parts of Egypt, but were also given to missionaries from Yemen & Algeria. Yemen is now being affected by war. We had a live link with some of
the missionaries there, hearing first hand, the conditions that were being endured. When we visit Africa, my brother and I often fly via Lybia, spending time in Tripoli Airport. It brought home to me, the sense of destruction, as I saw pictures of the total devastation of that airport. The mission’s team in Egypt, dramatically recreated an area in the grounds, depicting scenes from the surrounding countries. We were deeply touched by the stories we heard. In Cairo, we visited the Cave Church, where as many as 20,000 meet for all night prayer meetings. Worshipping with these believers was very special.



To celebrate Guitar Aid’s 25th anniversary, we have invited Chaos Curb, to come to Riverside Church Exeter. Our celebration evening is Sunday 5th July, 6.00pm. This will include a free buffet afterwards. We want to say “Thank You” to those that support us. If you live locally, why not plan to attend.

Sponsoring worship leaders

One of our greatest joys, is to see young worship leaders receiving new instruments. Recently in Romania, my wife, daughter and I, witnessed such an event. Nando, had been learning on a guitar we had previously given his church. Now he has a special guitar that will be his own. This is made possible by our sponsorship scheme. For £7 a month, you can be part of this. You could help another young person like Nando. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement given to Guitar Aid. Let’s keep moving forward, one step at a time, as God leads us. Looking forward to the next 25 years!
Dave Sumner.