December 2023

Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

In missions, as in many areas of life, keeping your word is a fundamental part of your integrity. I promised Mama Rose, the founder of Riverside Kisumu, that the next time I went to Kenya, I would take my wife with me. Unfortunately Mama Rose passed away, but the promise remained. Not only did Liz go on the next mission to Kenya, but we were also able to make a commemorative plaque to dedicate ‘Riverside Kenya’ to the memory of Mama Rose. Visiting the home of the child we sponsor was one of the highlights of the mission. One of our team members, James Kirby, a professional musician, illustrated the power one guitar has to engage a large audience, when he performed to a school of over 3,000 students, leaving them captivated and inspired by his unique style of playing. The partnership between Riverside Church Exeter and Guitar Aid ensured that many more would be enabled to worship through the instruments we took.


Something happened on our first mission to Kenya that left a lasting impression on me. It was not long after the genocide in Rwanda. The Bible college in Nairobi, that would usually be full of Kenyan students, had been overwhelmed with refugees escaping the horror that had become the norm in Rwanda. Hearing first hand, from the people that had narrowly escaped, left us disturbed in our spirits and wondering how such massive loss of life could happen. Although that was many years ago, the impression it made didn’t fade. What a blessing to be part of a team from Riverside to now go to that country and bring instruments of worship that would bless so many.


Something happened on our first mission to Kenya that left a lasting impression on me. It was not long after the genocide in Rwanda. The Bible college in Nairobi, that would usually be full of Kenyan students, had been overwhelmed with refugees escaping the horror that had become the norm in Rwanda. Hearing first hand, from the people that had narrowly escaped, left us disturbed in our spirits and wondering how such massive loss of life could happen. Although that was many years ago, the impression it made didn’t fade. What a blessing to be part of a team from Riverside to now go to that country and bring instruments of worship that would bless so many.


Albania & North Macedonia

For my brother John and I, our involvement in Albania covers the last twenty one years. After returning last year and having such a successful mission, we decided to return again this year. We gave thirteen guitars and a violin on this trip. You can see the joy on the faces of those who received their instruments of worship. We also went to North Macedonia, where we saw a great need for musical instruments in the churches. We received an open invitation to go back. We are already planning to respond to the Macedonian call, ‘come over and help us’ (and bring guitars!)

Latest News

We will soon be announcing details of the 4,000th guitar, and the publicity surrounding it. We often speak about things being of ‘Biblical proportion’ King David was the first to have 4,000 instruments to worship the Lord. What a wonderful example to follow! I spent most of last year writing the story of Guitar Aid, which is now being published. More information is to come on both these events. I will send out a newsletter with details as soon as it is available. I have been waiting for the right opportunity to pass on my Father’s accordion; I’m delighted to say that it is now regularly being used, for God’s glory, in Kisumu Kenya. If you would like to give to our ministry, these are our details.

Guitar Aid Sort Code 40-52-40 Account Number 00034394

Thank you for the support and encouragement you have given. Together we can bring a new sound of worship around the globe.

Dave Sumner