Winter Newsletter 2018/2019

Hi There! For the last 28 years I have run Guitar Aid while working full time in an engineering firm. Now that a release of time has come, I am free to concentrate fully on our vision to supply instruments of worship. This year has been really busy with trips to Belarus, Romania, Egypt and a driving trip around Eastern Europe lasting 17 days.


Our first trip of the year was delayed by the severe weather we were experiencing in the UK. They called it “The Beast From the East”. It would take more than that to stop us, so one week later than planned, we set off. We had a great time, giving guitars wherever we went. The last church we visited was quite a distance to travel, being only 20 miles from the Russian border. I had one guitar left, I could hardly believe how well it matched the one electric guitar they already had and the vivid blue back wall of the church. It’s great when a plan comes together! Changes in the law in Belarus, allows for a 5 day visit without a visa, entering via Minsk airport.

Egypt Mission

This was my second visit to Egypt. It was a privilege to be part of a team from the U.K and USA to lead a conference for 120 young people from all over Egypt. Representatives from 28 churches came together for 4 days of teaching and encouragement. The theme was, “What you do matters, who you are matters more”. I took 6 guitars to encourage worship. We asked them to give us a reason why their church should have an instrument, the response was massive. There was such joy and excitement, as the instruments were handed out. We watched the Egyptian young people grow in confidence as they became more aware of what they could achieve by being united together in vision and purpose.

Eastern Europe tour

It’s been four years since we last did a driving trip around Eastern Europe. The purpose was to strengthen the relationships we already have, and visit places we haven’t been to for a while. Starting in the Czech Republic, then moving on to Poland, Slovakia and Romania. Our progress was slowed down due to vehicle problems, but our friend Mark Wade, who now lives in Romania, offered to take us on to Serbia, where again we were able to renew friendships and catch up with how things are progressing. My brother John and I have been driving to Eastern Europe for the last 28 years. It was such a blessing again, to be able to spend time with so many friends we have made over the years.

Sharing with Ibthi

Wherever we go, in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and other parts of the world, we meet up with Pastors and leaders that trained in the International Bible Training Institute in Burgess Hill, UK. The freedom of time I now have has allowed us to take up their request to spend a day with the students. I shared on Vision and Duty, and illustrated the practical side of Guitar Aid, by converting an acoustic guitar into an electro/acoustic while they watched.

If you are buying presents on line this Christmas, remember, using the giving machine can bring extra funds into Guitar Aid. Over 3,000 people have received Guitar Aid instruments, this has made such a difference to their lives. If you are a sponsor we really appreciate your support. If not, then perhaps you could consider investing £7 a month or making a one off donation to;

Guitar Aid
Sort code 07 00 55
Account Number 70649267 

Thank you for supporting the work of Guitar Aid, together we’re changing the atmosphere in many places, releasing others into new levels of worship.

Dave Sumner.